


  • Subconscious Coaching that gets to the root quicker than any psychotherapy treatment, releasing trauma for good.
  • Conscious Coaching that gently coaxes your ball of wool looser and looser- leading to higher levels of awareness, clarity and self esteem.






  • Relationship hang up
  • Grieving a relationship as a single parent
  • Co-parenting issues after a marriage/partnership breakdown
  • Feeling stuck
  • Lack of self worth
  • Overwhelm
  • Anxiety
  • Low self esteem
  • Co-dependency
  • Emotional abuse
  • Toxic patterns and coping mechanisms
  • Childhood conditioning
  • Addictive behaviours
  • Feeling lost with little purpose

   Putting ourselves first, finding what makes us tick- rather than focusing on someone else is very hard to do for empaths.....







                                                                                          HAPPINESS IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS                                                      

                                                                                                    I SHALL HOLD YOURS

                                                                                                            AS WE FIND IT TOGETHER       



New Paragraph

Allow richness in all of your relationships but most importantly, within your own state of being.

Your romantic relationships - be it in recovery from separation or in finding a way to make it work for you. Your friendships; family connections; interactions in business and in the workplace.

These can all thrive and reflect back a higher level of respect, fulfilment and joy .

I guide and walk along side you every step of the way as you connect your dots and create a picture of life all around you that you absolutely love and feel really good about!

Using gentle coaching to unravel your blocks and subconscious programming to remove them completely and forever!

What is your ideal outcome?  What do want your life to look like right now? What do you want for your future? Don't worry if you are unsure and confused about what you want.. that is what I am here for!

Your own version of success gives you life force energy and we will find that and remove any obstacles- permanently!

I support you in creating and then making it your reality.

My packages



Discovering your inner world and limiting beliefs. Identify your own unique blueprint.

What makes us us? What is it that we want? Why are we unhappy with our lives and lack a

sense of belonging? Why are we attracting certain people into our lives?!

Dig deep and explore what is going on within, to unleash your full power and potential out there! Create pure magic in your life by being a brave warrior. This is a wonderfully gentle one to one foundational course full of insights and 'Aha!' moments!

Unravel your ball of wool and get your clarity for who you are and for the life you want to be living-NOW!

A journey of deep discovery and transformation. an ignition of true inner connection. This is the course that continues to give as awareness is awakened and you continue to grow-as you should!

Watch your life then keep falling into place and making sense on the outside.

Get your clarity and set yourself free.

  • Weekly 1-1 Self discovery sessions (held on Zoom)

  • High quality methods, exercises, practices and a range of coaching techniques tailored to you.

  • Identify and transform your limiting beliefs, take inspired action!

  • NLP(Neuro linguistic programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Mindset, Energy release, Chakra healing, Inner child work, The Law of attraction prep.

  • Nourishing home resources

  • Personalised recordings (session viewing, meditations to keep)

  • Email/ Whats App support and communications throughout our time together.



12 months / 4 seasons

From relationship loss and emotional pain to inner freedom, fulfilment and gain!

Identify your relationship type, identify and understand the roles that played out between you and what your ideal relationship actually is. Grieve, process, Grow and Glow!

  • Relational coaching- understanding what happened and understanding each other.
  • The stages of grief
  • Holistic techniques and practices
  • Belief coding for permanent transformation and relationship quality
  • Strategy and implementation - specifically tailored for your personal happiness                                 and your pure quality of life!

Monthly 1-1 sessions

Live weekly coaching check ins

Additional support/contact

Modules and workshops








One power session for one discomfort that is holding you back. My intuitive coaching style with the powerful, scientifically proven, Belief coding modality. Quicker than any talking therapy (this is not a talking therapy!).

Stripping back any discomfort that is holding you back to a trapped emotion. Either held in your subconscious mind effecting all of your decision making or manifested to a physical ailment or condition that is restricting your life. Sometimes there is more than one trapped emotion sometimes there is just one.

 Using kinesiology muscle testing, emotional freedom techniques, positive psychology and neuro linguistic programming (to name a few!). This client led self empowerment session is science based healing. Where the brain knows no difference between reality and our thoughts this reprogramming re-wires our belief system permanently. Neuro plasticity is at its peak in the first seven years of our life where we are completely literal in how we perceive and receive everything. We absorb, like a sponge, words and memories. The feelings that were formed as a consequence are trapped literally in time, yet stay with us our whole lives . Our subconscious mind is designed to protect us and keep us safe. Any association to the similar equals safety (think better the devil you know!!). Your subconscious mind could be the reason you gravitate and attract certain types of relationships that may not be serving you your happiness. The familiar may not be good for us but it makes us feel safe in terms of - it's what we know.

Fears that are hidden deep in the subconscious mind could be driving us away from our dream goals.  Ever wondered why things are not working out the way you had planned?!  If there is a danger tag associated with something then your protector AKA the subconscious will not allow this perceived danger.  We are not aware of any of this consciously. These moments from the past could seem so small to anyone else but to you they really mattered. These feelings that are trapped in time are the basis of our limiting beliefs. Most of these beliefs could actually be formed from a child's undeveloped brain!! All trapped in time and effecting your now! Certain impulses, decision making and life choices are made based on these apparent dangers. 

Feeling stuck and unable to leave an unhealthy relationship,  go for the better job, stop feeling so tired or unable to break patterns of behaviour . The trapped emotion that lays behind the discomfort needs to be released and then the neuro pathways need re-writing to enable your goals to be achieved and allow the painful discomforts to leave- forever!  Within a session the same level of neuroplasticity is created to override and rewire those deep rooted and strong circuits.   

Exciting news!! After being assessed in the world of neuro science and neuroplasticity. EEG brain scans have observed the brain state transform as it is re-wired within a single session. This re programming has been observed specifically within the long term memory.  Evidence to be published in the journal of research for neuro science and the journal of psychology.

One session on zoom / in person (1.5/2hrs)



Emotional freedom technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress.  Tapping is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. It's also referred to as psychological acupressure. The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion at hand. This can be a fear, a worry, or any unresolved problem. Tapping on meridian points sends a calming signal to the brain, letting your brain know it's safe to relax.

During a tapping session ideas, problem solving and a new found perspective of resolution is formed, allowing you to create new possibilities.

I write a script specifically tailored to you and your desired outcome.

Great for manifestation!

  • 2x 1-1 Sessions
  • Personalised script
  • Live Demonstration
  • Plus recording



  • Sound frequency healing  - Personalised using your own voice to identify any out of balance notes that you may be radiating outwards and holding you back. These notes correspond to emotions that are in excess or in lack. A full report is sent for you to keep along with delightful and soothing sound treatments that restore your equilibrium.

  • 2 X Power sessions . Based on the two of of your most out of balance areas. By using the corresponding sound frequencies in the theta state healing process for a mega boost to your neuro plasticity. One session will shift any area -for good!! If low self worth is prominent for example then we can unlock and release as many links that your subconscious will allow at that time. Please see above information based on 'The power session' for more details.


Upgrade your inner world. UPGRADE YOUR LIFE.

Thrive, shine and beam your happy!




             'My mission is to shine lights for my clients- so that they can see who they truly are and make the                  relationship with themselves the strongest and safest relationship they have ever had! '

Louisa believes that by going inward and connecting to ourselves on a deeper level we can create a more connected life on the outside full of fulfilment.

Some years ago she was in a relationship that was not serving her(or him!) and it got much worse. She did not recognise that they were completely incompatible, nor did she want to. What felt familiar to them was not healthy and what felt comfortable was extremely uncomfortable. It was a hopeless connection with a fear of losing each other at the same time. Now Louisa is aware that this was a relationship based on trauma of their own past playing out unconsciously. Neither of them taking responsibility, just playing their own records of insecurities really loudly whilst not listening to the other's tune at all! Both of them had deep cuts and bruises already and the relationship had become quite toxic. The pain of staying in the partnership was too unbearable. The reason people stay in uncomfortable relationships is because it is a familiar to them. Known environments are safe because of this familiarity. What is comfortable may actually be quite uncomfortable! It's a bit like being addicted to something like sugar or nicotine. Pain for reward, only the rewards got smaller and smaller until it was just the pain.

How could she upgrade her self worth and value? The types of people she was attracted to were not able to give her what she wanted (they literally couldn't!) and instead of letting go and accepting this she demanding them to change. This was a pattern of behaviour that was observed and absorbed as a child. Role play was something she loved to do as a child and taking behaviour in like a sponge was a specialist interest even at a young age. Out of love and desperation her partners often did try to change but without the tools and guidance needed their own self defence and coping mechanisms would kick in and so their own records from the past would start to spin again.

Louisa worked two part time jobs in a totally devastated mindset after their final split in 2017. She was a single mum in panic v's freeze mode. Riding the waves of grief with the occasional coaching session, running in nature for her anxiety and evolving her mindset with continuous research. She now believes that she had some form of a breakdown - completely blanking out on the drive to work and zoning out in meetings as if she was in a state of shock.  She lived on auto pilot going from job to job to picking up her young daughter from child care to spending her evenings researching the relationship and all of the behaviour patterns that her ex had displayed and what role she had played in this. Understanding psychology, upbringing and environmental causes. Whenever she felt a wave of devastation and the panic would set in again she had the security of being counselled by her rock sturdy two loving friends. She found a system that worked for her which she wants to now pass on for other individuals or parents who are struggling to cope with a break-up. This is a 1-1 course called Relationship recovery. Both Louisa and her ex partner co parent their daughter with a shared passion of her best interests and her well being. This is an important part of the new relationship where children are involved and Louisa teaches 'how and when' strategies whilst keeping her clients empowered.

Learning all about relationship dynamics and the psychology behind certain toxic behaviour she was opening her eyes more and more and she was able to examine the repeating patterns in her own family and upbringing to understand how this may have impacted her own behaviour and the attraction of her romantic relationships. In a victim mindset and not aware of her own faults, she knew she was using a protective armour for her poor treatment. This guard and shield needed to come down and so therefore she needed to feel safe.  This single Mum of two bought a newer car which she absolutely loved and felt so safe in! She took her children on a tropical holiday with her best friend and her boys too. She felt so liberated and independent!  She was reaping the rewards and knew she was being shown a quality that was matching her new self - and this was only a slight upgrade that she had been working on within herself!  It was very encouraging and she felt more safe and supported than she did in the relationship she was recovering from!

She hadn't understood that she might want something better if she could heal something within herself and the secret to this kind of healing is experienced guidance, nourishing resources and time.

That certainly created that magnet for the upgrade and Louisa met someone who was able to show her the love and understanding that she had craved. This is something that she never thought she would be ready for and the 'time' factor was very important. Honouring the old relationship, grieving and the rediscovering of herself. This self discovery is paramount in creating the right magnetic energy. You attract what you project.

Louisa wanted to train and gain as much knowledge as possible to support others in the areas that she had experienced.

In 2021 Louisa formed an intimate case study exchange group for over two years which led to her coaching certification. This led to an even more in depth understanding of herself  as she was coached on a deeper level. Holding a strong ethos to this very day that only what she has committed herself to personally that holds great value, quality of growth and healing will she use in her practice as a coach.  She needs to know at a core level that the tools and techniques that she uses will create a huge shift in her client's lives- as they have done in hers.

Forming a pure fascination with the concept of Metaphysical trauma, where emotions are trapped in the physical body creating symptoms, ailments and illness, Louisa researched as much information as she could to support this. She discovered the work of trauma expert and physician Gabor Mate, who has a background in family practice and a special interest in child development, trauma and the potential life long impacts on physical and mental health.

This resonated with her so deeply and she knew that the subconscious mind was the key to unlocking so many lives within her coaching and she committed to her next training where trauma could be identified and released and the mind could be reprogrammed just like a computer system!  She found Belief coding and absolutely knew that this was the missing key! This was all client led and people were able to set themselves free as long as they were truly open to it.

After a thorough assessment and many case studies Louisa became accredited in Belief coding and like many psychotherapists, she mainly uses this modality within her practice due to its extremely quick and effective impact on the lives of her clients .

Louisa lives in Wiltshire, England with her partner Brad, two daughters, Madeleine and Leila. They have three adult sons Alfie, George and Fred, who come home to visit.

Always an animal lover, of course there are two house rabbits and a cat in the mix too!

'My passion is Connection, for a happier life.

I love meeting and supporting people in finding their own connections, for their own version of personal success and personal happiness. Taking them from the darkness into their light.'

New Paragraph

Certified coach

  • NLP
  • Re-programming
  • Clarity Coaching
  • Transformational Therapy
  • Progressive Coaching and mentoring
  • EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Energy Clearing
  • Chakra balance
  • Belief Coding

Contact email:




Enquiry form

All connections are conducted via Zoom. Please get in touch to request any further information or a free 'perfect fit' meeting. This allows us both to establish a connection and the confidence in moving forwards together.


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